
Thinking thinking I'm thinking...

I usually can think of something to write about, but not so much lately. Really, Kalea hasn't given me any good material lately- should I feel disappointed about that? LOL Maybe now I've jinxed myself and something exciting will happen soon. So for your reading pleasure, maybe I'll just share my random thoughts...
1. Yesterday morning as the sun was slowly assuming it's daytime position, I looked across to Fish Creek and marveled at how beautiful mist and trees and streaks of sunshine can be.
2. I hate that the leaves are turning already and instead of an Indian summer, it feels like winter is literally breathing down my neck.
3. I am not looking forward to Steve being away for 3wks but I am looking forward to the paychecks & having a car while he's away this time!
4. Kalea might love the fact that I am seriously considering taking her to Gymtastics every Friday until Christmas just to get her worn out so she will nap consistently at least once a week!
5. Brynlee is the best baby...EVER.

K, so on the subject of Gymnastics. This is a conversation Kalea and I had the other day.
Me: Kalea would you like to go into ballet class and learn pretty dancing?
K: No.
Me: You don't want to learn pretty dancing?
K: What?
Me: Do you want to dance?
Me: Would you like to go to Gymnastics?
K: Yay!
Me: Yes?
K: Yesh! (complete with jumping in circles)

And to clarify, she will not be taking actual gymnastics classes since they are expensive and parented and only go for 10wks. I can spend $9/wk to take her for just over an hour and parent her without instruction for the next 16wks instead. So I think that's the way to go, I can't justify paying someone else $15/hr for 10wks to tell me how to help my kid do a somersault when she does them on her own at home everyday. That's just me.
Any other suggestions for how to pass the "indoor time" that we all love so much?

1 comment:

The Staheli's said...

Gymnastics is a GREAT idea!! We did that with Avery right around Kalea's age and it was awesome. :) Hopefully the weather stays nice for you guys for a while!